mums network marketing

Get Better Coaching – Coaching Others to Help them Succeed in Business

Tell us your name and a bit about your family? When did you become a Mum and to whom?

I’m Wendy Ager, mum of two girls one born March 2008 and the other October 2011.

What’s your business called?

Get Better Coaching

Can you describe it in one sentence?

Through business coaching and mentoring, I help people grow their business.

When did you become a Mumpreneur and what inspired you?

In 2007 I left the corporate world and started a diploma in Personal Performance Coaching with the Coaching Academy having met a coach working on a management development programme. I decided I had to learn that skill and then got made redundant whilst on maternity leave, which was perfect as I always wanted to run my own business and this gave me the opportunity.

How did you fund your start up?

I used the little bit of redundancy money I got to pay for the Diploma and get me started but my start-up costs were minimal. It all boiled down to my time and effort to set it all up. I learnt how to create my own website on iWeb, about copy, design and marketing through networking, talks, workshops and reading blogs and articles and watching videos online.

How do you manage working around your children?

I still work part-time during term time as my youngest is in nursery part-time and eldest at school. I normally meet my clients for an initial session then continue working with them by phone or Skype so there are no wasted minutes or money on travel for either party. When I started, I had one child and I worked on my business and with clients by Skype or phone when she at nursery and in the evening, but with two and the eldest’s later bed-time that’s no longer possible. Now I tend to only work with clients day-time when my kids are at school and nursery. I often work in the evenings on marketing my business and developing it online. It feels more like a hobby than work though, as I love what I do and have created with my business.

Can you describe a typical day, what tasks do you have to get done, how do you manage your time?

No day is the same for me. My business is and will be evolving as time goes on. I work a lot on me and my business still at the moment, as I’m going to create a new website, make more online and automated ways to promote my business, like sharing how to use social media marketing tools. I have clients booked in for business growth sessions during the day, the odd event, like a workshop, talk or my networking events each month. I plan my time carefully at the beginning of each week and month to achieve my goals.

What challenges have you faced in your business and how have you overcome them?

When I first started out I launched as a Career Coach as I had a background in HR and Recruitment but everyone wanted to do what I’d done and leave the corporate world and set up in business for themselves. As a newbie myself, this was a challenge! I also set up a workshop quite early on that I thought I would use as a marketing tool to get clients, however, nobody booked them because I didn’t know how to market them.

This is why I threw myself in and learn’t so much about business and marketing, and that’s what I tend to help business owners now, improving and increasing their marketing so they can grow their businesses.

What’s the best thing about being Mumpreneur?

Getting to choose my hours, working around and spending time with my kids.

What are your plans for the future?

To continue to work flexibly around my family, obviously to grow my business and help more people get what they want from being self-employed.

What advice would you give for someone just starting out in business?

Use all the free and available tools, workshops, resources you can find in your area and online. Meet people and talk lots about your plans, aspirations and definitely get a mentor or coach if you can either using free resources or pay for one yourself. You cannot beat someone to work on your business 121 with. I have my own coach who helps me keep going!

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

If you have a viable business, are good at what you do or have a product that will sell, don’t give up. But, don’t spend all your time faffing around complaining about not having the money or time to grow your business. Either find the money, or the time and work on activities that will work and help you grow your business!