10 Gift ideas for Mums in Business

10 Gift Ideas for Mums in Business

For many Mums who run their own business, it’s their passion. It’s not just work, it’s like their hobby, their career and an extra baby all rolled into one. This means they’ll be over the moon to receive something that’ll help them out in their business. Here’s our guide to the best gift ideas for mums in business.

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A RocketBook

These amazing electronic notebooks allow you to take handwritten notes and then upload them via the app. They’re great for taking to meetings and conferences to take notes but also brilliant for people who prefer to get  creative with a pen and paper but don’t want impact on the environment by creating more waste.


A Chromebook

Lots of mums in business work in coffee shops. This is usually because if they try and work from home they are distracted by the endless washing pile, the hoovering that needs doing and perhaps even the latest episode of their favourite box set. Chromebooks are great for working out and about. They are small, light and, because they aren’t as expensive as laptops, I feel happier taking mine out with me.


Sharpies and highlighters

I’m a massive stationery addict and a lot of my fellow mums in business are too. Markers in every colour under the sun are brilliant for creating plans and highlighters in a variety of shades are essentially for note taking, not to mention just looking beautiful on the desk!


A Wall Planner

Family life is chaotic. When you add running a business to that, things get even crazier. Being able to see the whole year spread out in front of you can really help to keep track of what’s going on when, to avoid double bookings.

An Inspirational Book: She Means Business

Reading about other women’s success can be really inspirational. She Means Business shares personal stories, tips and exercises to help women succeed in their businesses. You can also check out our other book recommendations.


An electric pencil sharpener

I’m really hoping someone buys me this! Every young stationery addict falls in love with these on their teachers desk and continues to covert them for the rest of their life. Running your own business definitely gives you an excuse to have one.


A Planner

More than just a diary, a planner helps you to set goals and stick to them as well as including pockets for loose receipts. Planners are a great way to focus the mind on what needs to be achieved as well as keeping track of family life.


A Desk Set

A tidy desk equals a tidy mind. Or at the very least, look pretty. A set with a magazine file, letter sorter, business card holder, pen pot and memo pad holder can make sitting down to work feel much more pleasant.


A Business Card Holder

Getting your first business card as a self employed person is a pretty special feeling. Having somewhere special to keep them is even better. These are great for keeping cards safe in your handbag (or changing bag!) when you’re out and about, you never know who you might meet at the soft play!


A subscription to Amazon Prime

When you run a business, you order a lot of stuff and you usually need it quickly. I often used to find myself waiting until I had enough to order to make the delivery charge worth it.  A subscription to Amazon prime means you don’t have to worry about ordering what you need as soon as you need it and it will be there in 24 hours.

And if none of those appeal, then why not chose something coffee related because Mums running businesses always need a good hit of caffeine!

So there you have 10 great gift ideas for mums in business to keep the business mum in your life happy.  And if you’re the business mum, why not share this post on your social media to give friends and family some ideas!

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10 gift ideas for Mums in Business this Christmas