
Finding the right business for you

For some people, finding their dream business is easy, they have a lightening moment and know exactly what they want to do. For others its not so straight forward, you might know that you want to run your own business but have no idea what type of business that might be. To help you find out we’ve got some great advice for you to work though. start off by reading our article about Information about Businesses to help you decide what sort of businesses appeal to you. Next read our article about getting to know yourself, this will help you think about which businesses might suit your skills, knowledge and experience. Finally, read our article about prejudices to see if there are great possibilities you’ve unfairly discounted. when you’ve worded your way through these you should have a great checklist to compare business opportunities against. You can also check out our course if you need help finding the right business for you.

Business Ideas

If you’re after some Inspiration to get you started have a look at our Ten Great Business Ideas for Mums. If you’re keen to work from home try Home Business ideas for Mums. You can also read about where other mums have found their business inspiration.

Franchising and LICENSING

If you want to find out about franchising (and how it differs from licensing) have a look at our introductory guide. You can also check out our guide to the best franchise busines types for Mums.

Online Businesses

Want to use your computer to make money? We’ve written about the different types of online business that might be suitable and have a guest post about the Benefits of Running a Digital Business.

Specific Types of Business

As well having hundreds of stories from people who run different types of businesses, we also have a post on Becoming a Childminder and What it’s really like to run Baby and Toddler Classes.

Getting Started

If you need some encouragement to get started, have a read of Taking the plunge and check out how other Mums have funded their Businesses.

General Reading

Ever wondered when the Best Time to become a Mumpreneur is? If Running a Business Beats Working? Or What I see like when your Business fails (not as bad as you’d imagine!) We regularly blog about topics of interest to Mums in Business and Mums who want to be in business. You can also check out our more light hearted posts.