Freelancer lifestyle

Freelancer Lifestyle: Helping Women Start Online Freelance Businesses

Tell us your name and a bit about your family? When did you become a Mum and to whom?

Hi, my name is Alison. I have one 9 year old girl whom I’m a single mum too. On top of this, I have the chronic illness MS and my parents live in Germany. 

What’s your business called?

My business is called Freelancer Lifestyle.

Can you describe it in one sentence?

Freelancer Lifestyle is a resource filled with tools for women wanting to start an online freelance business from scratch and on a budget.

When did you become a Mumpreneur and what inspired you?

I became a Mumpreneur in 2016 when my child started nursery. I started by doing some bookkeeping and transcription work as and when I could find leads. One day, I met a client who asked me to help him do a webinar and market it. After doing lots of research on digital marketing and getting a love of writing, I started blogging. Today I’m a freelance writer in digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

My inspiration is seeing and hearing the delight in clients when I do a good job for them. Plus, I’m also inspired each and every day by my daughter and close friends who believe in me.

How did you fund your start up?

I funded my start up by reinvesting the earnings that I got from transcription and bookkeeping work into growing the business, learning about how to run a business, and getting a good laptop to work from. 

At the time, I was receiving help from the government. Therefore, I just put everything I earned back into the business. At the time it felt a massive risk with fear that I was just going to completely fail. Instead, after a couple of years the risk completely paid off and earned a full time income.

How do you manage working around your children?

Working around my child has been a constant evolving process. When she was in nursery – Year 1, I worked whilst she slept and at school.

As she has gotten older and in years 2 &3, I did client work whilst she was at school and marketing work in the evening whilst doing household duties.

When my child was in year 4, Coronavirus hit and I had to home school her. Even though I had less work coming in, I still had my blog to run as that made me money from affiliate links. 

So working during Coronavirus was very tricky. What I did was let my child sleep in till about 12pm. During this time, I did some client work and wrote blogs. When she woke, I tended to my child so she had food, washed and did a couple hours of school work. 

After I made sure, my child did everything required she went back to her gaming and I went back to my blogging or marketing.

Thankfully, now she is back at work and I am starting to get consistent client work. So I can now go back to the pre pandemic routine.

Can you describe a typical day, what tasks do you have to get done, how do you manage your time?

A typical day for me is

8am Check emails and social media notifications.

9am Plan my day with a to do list. Putting the most urgent at the top. Also check on the news of the day.

10am Start doing client work

2pm Lunch break and household chores

7pm Blogging and marketing activities

11pm Go to sleep so I can get in a good solid 7 hours

What challenges have you faced in your business and how have you overcome them?

My biggest challenge needs to be my anxiety. I’ve had a really big struggle from anxiety since 2011 when I came out of an abusive relationship. Since then, I have anxiety about people’s opinions of me and their behaviour when they are around me.

Another way my anxiety shows itself by overthinking every social media comment and email, even it it a positive remark, my anxiety doesn’t accept it. Not accepting it by the constant thoughts of people think I’m a rubbish writer and never want to work with me. They’re all just laughing at me.

I have been trying to overcome my anxiety by rationalizing everything and reminding myself that I can’t read people’s minds.

Rationalizing it means that I have been able to grow my connections and land clients with confidence that they’re seriously interested in working with me.

What’s the best thing about being Mumpreneur?

The best thing about being a Mumpreneur is connecting with lots of like minded people. Plus people who want to support you with your business. You just meet a whole new community from across the world who appreciate you.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future is to launch a podcast. But a podcast to share peoples stories of being a virtual assistant or freelancing and just celebrate the freelancing world.

What advice would you give for someone just starting out in business?

My advice is for anyone starting out, learn who it is that you really want to work with. Discover how you can best help them. Refine your skills set so you can help them then create social media profiles as the go-to person. 

You don’t need to start with a website. Having a presence on social media and speaking with your ideal audience is a great way to get started. 

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

Being a mumpreneur is never an easy thing to do. There are plenty of times you will want to give up. To stop yourself giving up, take a look at all you’ve accomplished so far and keep pushing forward.

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