Marketing your medical business

Healthy Marketing Ideas For Medical Businesses

Regardless of what type of practice you’re running, you need patients to keep it all going. You need marketing to convince patients to step in through your door for the first time, and nowadays, the online world is what’s driving most of that process. Let’s take a look at the different means of marketing your practice, the benefits of each, and which you should prioritize in your own strategy.


Content marketing

Writing great content is an excellent way to show the authority and expertise you have by providing details on conditions, treatments, and concerns your patients are likely to have. Furthermore, we’re all aware that more people than ever are Googling their symptoms. As such, writing about those fears are a likely way to get them in contact with your brand for the first time.


Be easy to find

Search engine optimization is tied closely to that content marketing. It’s a means of ensuring that your site and content can be found easily through Google and other search engines. It can take time to learn the specific tools of the trade for different types of practice, such as plastic surgery SEO. Many practices tend to end up working with a professional who can take care of it and show them the ropes instead.


Use reviews, testimonials, and referrals

If you have already proved to existing patients that you have the service, care, and authority they need, then they could help your online marketing strategy, too. Either by asking or by incentivizing, you can convince them to leave reviews and testimonials that encourage others to join. You can also offer discounts for direct referrals for those willing to recommend you to their friends and family.


All kinds of mail

Believe it or not, snail mail is still effective and cost-efficient. Nowadays, however, it’s competing with the more broadly used email. You can create email campaigns and newsletters looking at your recently published online content, tips for your patients, and more. It keeps your brand in the mind of those who have visited the site in the past before. However, you need to get them to that point of being willing to sign up for emails which is, again, driven by great content.


Be social

You can use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to engage users across the board, answering questions, sharing news about the practice, and publishing your marketing content. Social media has become a commonly used and sought out support channel as well, so being available on it can ensure that your patients are able to reach you when they need to.



It is also important to showcase what you can do and to give confidence to your customers and clients that you are a capable and reputable business. This can also work as content for social media and marketing. So whether you show the KeySource Acquisition, your team in action, or even just give a behind the scenes look at what you can do, it can all help to give assurance to the end user. 


Consider new media

If you’re savvy with a camera or microphone and don’t mind being in front of a crowd, you can also try spreading your influence through YouTube. Answering questions, offering advice, and publishing informative content can help build your reputation and authority far and wide.


Your medical marketing strategy can help your practice grow, establishing your brand and attracting new patients across the net. Consider whether your digital strategy is up to healthy standards.