It’s often the case today that parents find themselves juggling a lot of responsibilities, from taking care of their children to managing household chores as well as working. This is why a lot of parents decide that starting their own business is a good idea and why a side hustle is a good way to get started.
The idea of a side hustle, a part-time job or business that can be done alongside other responsibilities, is hugely popular as it offers parents a great pathway to creating their own full-time business. With determination, strategic planning, and the right support, parents can turn a passion project into a successful business. Read on to find out more.
Time Management
If you intend to turn your passion project into a successful business, time management is going to be incredibly important. You’ll need to ensure you can prioritise your time and manage all of your commitments to give yourself a good work-life balance and also to ensure you don’t spend less time with your children rather than more.
The best way to start is to create a schedule that includes all the things you have to do for your family, your main job, and your side hustle. You must ensure this is realistic, or you’ll be pushing yourself too hard and trying to do too much only to find you do nothing at all. You might need to look for support from friends and family to help you, but it will be worth it once your side hustle becomes more successful and you’ll have more time for yourself.
Legal Compliance
Another thing that parents should not overlook if they want their passion project to become a full-time, profitable business is the legal side of things. Partnering with solicitors can be a useful way to ensure you don’t fall foul of any laws and regulations governing business itself or your specific sector of it.
You’ll need to know about registering the business, drafting contracts, employing people, tax regulations, intellectual property, and health and safety, to name just a few important legal factors that business owners deal with. If you have the right kind of solicitor to help you, you’ll find that these things are much easier to navigate.
Marketing And Branding
If you want your passion project to turn into something bigger than people are interested in buying from, you need to pay attention to your marketing and branding. Although your side hustle might be small, that doesn’t mean you can risk not having memorable branding and not creating a good marketing campaign – these things will help even a small business get much bigger.
Social media is a good place to start as this is somewhere a lot of people spend their time, and it is cheap (or even free) to use for advertising. You’ll need to carry out market research to determine which platform is going to be most useful for you and also what kind of advertising your potential customers will respond to best. Once you know these things, craft some posts and make sure you add more content on a regular basis. It’s also crucial to respond to people when they engage with you. All of this will help your brand get recognised.