Now, before you throw your hands up in outrage, I’m not saying that mumpreneurs aren’t busy. In fact, they have two of the most times consuming rolls around, namely that of mum and entrepreneur. However, sometimes, we are all guilty of using the precious resource that is Time in less than effective ways. Luckily, the advice below can help you put a stop to top that. Read on to find out more.
Sort your priorities
Prioritising at work can be a tough task at the best of times, but when you have a tiny human that is reliant on you for everything from nutrition to nappy changes, things can get complicated. In fact, mumpreneurs are people that often have a considerable number of urgent priorities that they need to juggle successfully.
Of course, if you are having trouble deciding what is most important, then, use need and urgency to help you, something the post at can provide advice on. After all, your business associate may be a little miffed if you have to reschedule their call, but your baby will probably be worse off if you don’t stop to feed or change them.
It is, however, also important that you recognize an additional priority in the mumpreneur mix, and it is you. In fact, without you, your baby isn’t going to get fed, and those deals aren’t going to get done. To that end, it’s imperative to prioritize some downtown both from working and mothering for yourself occasionally. After all, without you being at the top of your game, neither of these critical aspects of your life would be able to thrive.
Boost productivity
Next, a tactic that mumpreneurs can take to free up more Time is to increase productivity. This means getting more done, of course, but you will be happy to discover that it doesn’t actually mean working harder.
In fact, there are several actions you can take to make the business you are running more product that will also save you effort in the run one. One is to look at the work processes you currently follow and streamline them, so all redundant actions are removed.
Additionally using a business template service like the one at offers can help to boost your productivity because it means you won’t need to spend hours creating slick looking documents for your business’s communications. This being something that can help you not only save Time but look as professional as possible too.
Accept the need for a schedule
Lastly, as a mumpreneur, you really need to acknowledge that you are going to need a schedule for both work and mums duties. Of course, it will be rare that your day ever follows the plan that you mark out for it perfectly.
However, if you use a schedule such as the examples at you will be better equipped to address all the different tasks that need your Time, and you can help to remove some of the stress of overwhelm as well. Just make sure that anything you do schedule is as realistic and as doable as possible, as this can actually help you to spend your available Time in a much more effective way.
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