What’s your business called?
Little Scrummers Rugby Ltd
Can you describe it in one sentence?
Childres tag rugby for 2-6yr olds.
When did you start it and what inspired you?
I started in 2009 as there was nothing like it around for my children to attend.
How did you fund your start up?
£1500 on a credit card!
How do you manage working around your children?
I did any admin etc from home when they played and when they were in bed, and on Saturday mornings they came with me.
Can you describe a typical day?
I start work around 8am, and do schools runs and dog walks in between. I don’t have a set finish time as I often stop work form 3 and start again at 8!
What have you found hardest?
Splitting my time between the boys and work
What’s the best thing about being self employed?
I can choose my own hours and have flexibility to not work one day by work late the next!
What are your plans for the future?
We have just launched our franchise and I will be working on that going forward
What advice would you give for someone just starting out?
Go for it, don’t lack confidence if you believe in your product.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
Learn all the time, and move with the times
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