Tell us a bit about your family?
I come from Russia. Now I live in Britain with my British husband and our 2 year old daughter.
What’s your business called?
PresentPerfect Creations Studio
Can you describe it in one sentence?
A place to order one of a kind individually crafted flower accessories for a special occasion or a gift
When did you start it and what inspired you?
I started it back in November 2011 having completely fallen in love with flower making.
How did you fund your start up?
Out of my personal savings but it really was a very lean start up.
How do you manage working around your children?
It is very difficult to combine working from home and being a full time mum of my gorgeous but restless toddler daughter. I can only work during her day nap hours and late at night.
Can you describe a typical day, what tasks do you have to get done, how do you manage your time?
Mornings are spend doing activities with my child and running errands (posting parcels, buying supplies etc), then lunch at home. After lunch my daughter typically has a 2-3 hour nap which is when I can work on an order or a piece from a new collection depending on the situation with orders, or take pictures of a new finished piece. After that, a snack time and evening meal preparation until my husband gets back home. We have a dinner together, shortly after that I or my husband put our daughter to sleep. Evening is the time to mainly work online, answer emails, list new products for sale, pack orders etc. Sometimes I will work on a rushed order too. Usually I go to bed at 1-2 am
What challenges have you faced in your business and how have you overcome them?
The main challenge at the moment is shortage of time. I believe the business would benefit if I could spend more time on it, but I find it more important to spend this time with my child before she goes to nursery. When this happens I will be able to devote more time working on my business.
What’s the best thing about being self employed?
Being in charge of your own schedule.
What are your plans for the future?
Grow and diversify. I am planning to give flower making classes to groups and individuals as well as teach at millinery schools and similar places. If need be I am prepared to hire an assistant (or two).
What advice would you give for someone just starting out?
You have to absolutely love what you are doing to make a business out of it. Only this way you will be motivated and inspired enough to go forward when it is hard to do so. But do not be put off by the difficulties, it is better to try and fail than regret that you have not tried for the rest of your life.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
When I do not create flower pieces I love baking sourdough bread, potting in the garden and knitting.
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