Lucy Stanyer Business & Career Change Coach

What’s your business called?
Lucy Stanyer Life Coach

Can you describe it in one sentence?
I’m a Small Business and Career Change Coach based in Kent, UK and love helping biz owners and professionals make a step change in their work and life.

When did you start it and what inspired you?
I started my coaching business in 2014. I had been managing and coaching PR and Communications teams within big organisations for 11 years, then after two big life events I decided to go freelance in 2011. Alongside becoming a Mum, I finally qualified as an Life Coach and launched my coaching business last year. And I love my new career!

As a coach, I typically work with small business owners to help them grow their business, corporate managers at a crossroads in their careers, and mums who are returning to work or want to start a new career.

Clients come to me because they feel stuck, overwhelmed or full of self doubt. Or because they have reached a plateau in their work and don’t know how to move forward.

How did you find your start up?
I created it from scratch, growing and defining my coaching style and supporting people to change career or grow a business just like I have.

How do you manage working around your children?
As a mum and a coach, it’s important to me to create a good work-life balance to have the right amount of time to look after my family, nurture my little girl and grow my coaching business.

I work part time, so around 20 hours a week. I have two and a half days of childcare each week and I try to be as productive as possible with those. As my business has grown, I also work two evenings a week and during those precious nap times (while they last!).

If I have additional clients or work needs – like launching my website – my other half takes days off to give me some extra time to focus, or I might invest in some extra nursery sessions.

I’ve learnt that work-life balance is a flexible thing – what you need for yourself, child or business one week may differ from the next. Teamwork, communication and flexibility are key.

Can you describe a typical day?
A great day involves two or three coaching sessions with preparation and write ups, maybe a free discovery call with a potential new client, answering email enquiries, or a networking meeting. Plus working on my website or creating social media content to share tips, insights and inspiration quotes.

What have you found hardest?
Like many other small business owners, it’s wearing all the hats that is often the biggest challenge – doing your marketing, enquiries, finances, tax returns, website, newsletter, social media, planning etc plus doing the work that you love.
Learning where to play to your strengths and outsource the things that you like the least and someone else is expert in is the key. So I work with my brother and website Ninja, Mui Tsun, on my WordPress site and I have a bookkeeper to help me organise and analyse my income and expenses – especially in preparation for my tax self assessment.

What’s the best thing about being self employed?
I love what I do – coaching people – so when I see lasting, positive change and confidence in my clients, that’s the best.

What are your plans for the future?
I am growing my business at a steady rate, while keeping my focus on the time I can create with my little girl. I plan to develop business coaching workshops and online group coaching programmes. We also hope to expand our family and plan some fun family holidays for this summer!

What advice would you give for someone just starting out?
Develop clear goals and have an action plan…but be prepared to be flexible and seize opportunities that fit in with your goals. And most of all, make sure that you goals align with your personal and professional values – you’re more likely to get focused, stay motivated and be a success!

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
yes, I’ve finished my new free coaching workbook to help busy mums and business owners create more time in their week for the things that will make their businesses and lives thrive.

I use this with clients a lot, and although it’s a simple tool, if you use it with honesty and a commitment to making a few changes, it can be really powerful.

You can get your copy here:
You can find out more about my small business coaching services and coaching approach on my website, where you can also contact me to arrange your free 30 minute coaching session, called the Discovery Session.

You can follow me on social media to receive coaching tips, inspirational quotes and offers:

Lucy Stanyer workbook

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