The Struggles of Remote Writers and How to Resolve Them

It’s no secret that writing is hard. But what’s even harder- writing when you’re not in the same room as your editor, collaborator, or team. Suddenly, all of the distractions that come with working in an office (or even a coffee shop) are gone, and it becomes infinitely more difficult to produce quality content. This is why remote writing can be so tough – you’re suddenly responsible for your own productivity and motivation. This blog will discuss some of the remote writers’ struggles and how to resolve them!

1) One of the biggest struggles that remote writers face is distractions. 

When you’re working from home, it can be challenging to stay focused on your work with so many potential distractions around you. Whether it’s your bed, the TV, or social media, there are a million things that can tempt you to take a break from writing. Distractions can lead to less productive days and can make it difficult to meet deadlines.


How to resolve: 

If you’re struggling with distractions, there are a few things you can do to help yourself focus:

  • Try to create a dedicated workspace for yourself where you can write without any distractions. This could be a quiet room in your house or even just a corner of your living room.
  • Set some rules for yourself regarding breaks. For example, you might allow yourself to take a five-minute break for every 20 minutes of writing.
  • Try using productivity tools like RescueTime or ColdTurkey to block distracting websites while you’re working.


2) Another struggle that remote writers face is feelings of isolation. 

When you’re used to working in an office, it can be difficult to adjust to working by yourself at home. As a result, you might find yourself feeling isolated and lonely, which can lead to a lack of motivation. Feeling isolated can also make it difficult to get feedback on your work or collaborate with others. 


How to resolve: 

If you’re struggling with feelings of isolation, you can do a few things to combat them:

  • Try to create a regular routine for yourself where you set aside time to work and stick to it. This will help you feel more like you’re part of a team, even if you’re not in the same physical space. 
  • Reach out to other writers or professionals in your field for advice or feedback on your work. 
  • Attend networking events or join online communities related to your field. This will help you connect with others who understand the challenges of working remotely.


3) Another common struggle of a remote worker is technical difficulties. 

When you’re working remotely, there’s a greater chance that you’ll encounter technical difficulties. Whether it’s an issue with your internet connection or a problem with your computer, technical difficulties can make it difficult to get work done. And if you’re working on a deadline, they can be even more stressful. In fact, a study by the University of California found that 42% of remote workers have experienced technical problems while working. Most of these technical difficulties include problems with an internet connection (29%), computer crashes (16%), and power outages (11%). Other forms of struggles might include keyboard functions, display settings, or even just the general ergonomics of your workstation.


How to resolve: 

If you’re struggling with technical difficulties, you can do a few things to resolve them: 

  • Try to have a backup plan in place for when technical difficulties arise. For example, you might save your work offline or keep a copy on a USB drive. 
  • Familiarize yourself with basic troubleshooting techniques so that you can fix minor issues on your own. For example, if you have issues regarding why the copy-paste is not working on your computer, you can look up online tutorials on how to fix it. 
  • And make sure to contact your IT support team or service provider if you’re experiencing major technical difficulties. They’ll be able to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible.


4) Inspiration is also a struggle that remote workers face.  

When you’re working remotely, finding inspiration for your work can be difficult. This is because you’re not exposed to the same people or environment daily. As a result, you might feel uninspired and unmotivated, which can lead to a lack of productivity. However, as a writer, inspiration is what helps you create your best work. So if you’re struggling to find it, it can be a real obstacle in your career.


How to resolve: 

If you’re struggling to find inspiration for your work, there are a few things you can do to get inspired: 

  • Try reading other writers or following them on social media. This will help you see what other people are doing and how they’re approaching their work. 
  • Attend events or workshops related to your field. This will help expose you to new ideas and allow you to meet other professionals in your field. 
  • Take some time for yourself outside of work to do things that make you happy. This could be anything from going for a walk to listening to music. When you take care of yourself, it’s easier to find the inspiration you need to do your best work.


5) The last struggle that remote writers face is imposter syndrome. 

Imposter syndrome is the feeling of being inadequate or undeserving of success. It’s a common struggle for writers, especially when they’re first starting out. And it can be even more difficult to overcome when you’re working remotely. This is because you might feel like you’re not doing enough or that you’re not good enough. But the truth is, everyone deals with imposter syndrome at some point in their career. The important thing is not to let it stop you from pursuing your goals.


How to resolve: 

If you’re struggling with imposter syndrome, there are a few things you can do to overcome it: 

  • Remember that everyone feels this way at some point in their career. 
  • Focus on your successes instead of your failures. This will help you remember that you are capable of doing great work. 
  • Try to seek out feedback from others. This will help you get an outside perspective on your work and see that other people believe in your ability to write. When you start to see yourself in a more positive light, it’s easier to overcome imposter syndrome and pursue your goals.


As a remote writer, you might face some struggles you wouldn’t encounter if you worked in an office. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. So don’t let the challenges stop you from pursuing your dreams.