
A “Crate” Place To Start! Moving Business Location

Of all the challenges a business faces in its wide and varied career, when a company experiences a significant amount of success, it has to make major changes. As a business begins to make these inroads, they have to find a way to ensure that the business stays stable, the workers remain productive, but also ensure that with these significant changes that need making, the business doesn’t suffer or lose that spark. Moving location is one of those areas that can make or break a business. In one respect, moving business location means that you are able to get a better place, and make a more significant impact. Conversely, it is such a major upheaval, but there are major concerns if the business can suffer, even if it’s just in the short-term. What are the best things to consider when moving business location, and how can you do it effectively?


Considering your budget

Moving your business to another location can be one of the most stressful things you’ll ever undergo. This means that if you want to provide a smoother transition, you must think about how your business makes this transformation in a quick and effortless motion. Your budget is crucial, not just because you need to keep the business up and running, but you need to ensure that you get all the help available. The budget can dictate a lot, not just in terms of how you move the business, but also if you can allow yourself a failsafe option. Because if you’re moving to a new location that needs a lot of work doing to it, you have to do this way before the move. But never underestimate the help at your disposal, there are suppliers like Freo Group that provide mobile cranes as well as the technical components that can help you with the more concerning aspects of keeping the business afloat. Your budget is vital, but one of the big things that we can gravely underestimate at his point is that we just have enough to decide to make the move. You need a buffer.


Keeping productivity intact

One of the most typical components of keeping a business up and running during a move is ensuring that productivity remains high. Productivity is the bedrock of the business, and it’s how your company will ensure it stays afloat during difficult times. While there’s a lot to be said of communicating your move effectively with the customer, when you are undergoing a long and difficult move, your staff need to keep their end of the bargain intact. For freelance  contractors, they could use this as an excuse to put their feet up somewhat, because, after all, it is your problem right now, not theirs! But what you can do to ensure that at this point to ensure that they are as productive as possible is to plan appropriately. Keeping your employees in the loop in the run-up to moving day gives them the opportunity to prepare, but at the same time, it all depends on the job that they do. For example, if all they need is an internet connection, and they can connect to your server, surely it’s better for them to work at home? These days, there is a lot more going on in terms of remote working capabilities, which means that the stress is taken off you significantly. Productivity is something that needs measuring, and while you need to do your best to make sure it stays high like when scaling up your business, prepare yourself for a dip, because it’s a very difficult thing you are undergoing.


Communicating to your customers

You’ve got everything in place, apart from one crucial thing; does everybody know that you are moving? Who are the essential people that need to know this? You know that communication is the bedrock of a functioning business, but what happens if you don’t plan for downtime, especially while there is such a major operation going on? Communication in terms of your relocation is essential, but you also need a strategy in place to communicate you’re moving to everyone that needs to know. It isn’t just the suppliers or the landlord of the location, but it’s the customers as well. There are so many different ways that you can notify them. One of the biggest things you need to do is put a notification on your website, and make sure it is front and center. But we can’t assume that every customer will have this memo, so we have to cover all bases. Send out an email campaign, add a little message at the bottom of every email, update your social media, and also update your address on your Google Listings as well as your website. It is difficult to keep everybody updated, but if there is one important piece of the puzzle that doesn’t know what’s going on, this is going to cause a lot more carnage later on, not just in terms of productivity, but the financial aspect. You may find yourself investing more money in other ways that you could have saved just by informing the right people.


Keeping yourself calm throughout the process

For all the stressful components, you have to remember that it’s you that’s the glue that binds it all together. And what good is it to have all the components working if you don’t have a handle on it? Moving business location is about ensuring that you are calm while all of these other aspects are whizzing around you. It’s a lot to contend with, as anybody who’s moved home will attest. You can keep yourself calm in very simple ways, not just do things like meditation and mindfulness, but ensuring that you see the bigger picture. This is where your skills as a manager will come to the fore. And remember, everybody is going to be asking you so many different questions about little things that you might not know the answer to. What’s the solution here? Delegating! You need to minimize the stress, not just for your customers, employees, or suppliers, but yourself as well.

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